Regardless of your personal views on the environment and global warming, please view the above and then see how it might fit into an end-times scenario, the surface of which is scratched below.
The subject of a one-world government has been of interest to secularists and Bible students alike for centuries. It was the goal of the government's depicted in the book of Daniel by the huge statue and the four beasts. In more recent times it has been the goal of Napoleon and Hitler. Currently it seems to be the goal of an unseen force, at work behind the scenes in many venues around the world. Of course the Bible makes it clear that at some time in history an ambitious world ruler would appear on the scene and cause havoc for a short season.
I have been saying for years that a strong United States of America, with a strong economy and a strong military would be one of the greatest deterrents to any attempt at establishing a one-world government. If you are like me it breaks your heart to see that in 40 years this country has ripped prayer and public display of Christian faith from the public square; has engaged in acts of legalized genocide resulting in the deaths of more than 50 million of our most vulnerable and innocent citizens; and has launched a wholesale attack against the most sacred building block of any society - the family. That which is evil is now being called good and vice versa, and we've become a nation that no longer knows how to blush.
Our abandonment of God has now gone so far as to cause the abandonment of our Constitution (which was based on godly and biblical principles) to take place, now at breakneck speed. All of this has resulted in many warning shots being fired across our bow. Christian journalist, Bill Koenig ( wrote a book a few years ago cataloguing the fact that judgment of some kind or another (environmental of economic) has been visited upon us every time we (the USA, by it's government) did something to promote the GLBT agenda; or did something to push Israel to give up her God-given land. He has continued to keep tabs since the book was published.
Our economy was turned upside down overnight last year. The stock market has made some recovery, but jobs are still being lost. The federal deficit for the year ending October 1, 2009 was 1.4 trillion! The government wants to take over 1/6 of our remaining economy via Health Care Reform. And now there is cap and trade and the Copenhagen treaty as seen in the video link above. Do you see a link between our nation's slide into a moral cesspool and her growing weakness?
I know we are called to pray for our nation (2 Chronicles 7:14; 1 Timothy 2:1-3) and i would encourage everyone to do that. But please do not fail to pray for yourselves and for the church, that we might endure till the end, and thus be saved (Matthew 10:22, 24:13). "Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
P.S. If anyone gets a chance, read Larry Burkett's book "The Thor Conspiracy" You will be amazed at how prophetic Larry was 15 years ago, as he envisioned a USA whose army and law enforcement agencies were all wrapped up in one - the EPA.
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