Friday, January 29, 2010

Birth Pangs and Fig Trees, Part 14

As we progress with the signs which will portend the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, we find ourselves immersed in a world that is out of control. All systems of human government and culture seem to lack even common sense, much less righteousness or any other virtue. A power struggle of gigantic proportions is going on and the average individual will feel sucked into its vortex. The inconsistencies and disconnects apparent in the president's speech the other night will seem like child's play by comparison. The temptation to go along so that one might get along will never have seemed greater. The true followers of Christ will not be able to put much trust in organized religion, which will become more and more apostate by the day. Just what will it be like living in a day described by these words: "If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened." (Matthew 24:22, NIV)

When put into context, what is cut short is not Daniel's 70th week, but that portion of it beginning at the mid-point, known as "The Great Tribulation." For the sake of the elect (the faithful followers of Christ) those days will be cut short, and the remainder of the latter half of Daniel's 70th week will be taken up by The Day of the Lord. Another label for this is the time of God's wrath. So what is it that cuts short (amputates, if you will) the Great Tribulation? My friends, it is the Rapture - the resurrection of all the faithful from centuries past, followed by the immediate changing of all the faithful on earth (called glorification) and then all being caught up into the air to meet the Lord in the clouds, and so to be with Him forever. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). Now that's encouraging!

We are at a point now where it is necessary to explain a couple of things from 1 Thessalonians 5. There we read "for you know that the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night." (v. 2) and "For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath, but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ." (v.9) The "thief in the night" phrase is used by the Lord when He says, "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: if the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him." (Matthew 24:42-44)

What Jesus and Paul are telling us here is that with everything happening (all of the signs and events mentioned thus far) only those who are watching and expecting the return of Christ will be ready for it. Others will be caught up in the world running amok and in the apostate church of the hodge-podge religion. They will even be saying "Peace, peace" when the sudden destruction comes. The Lord reminded me that when you have to keep talking about the thing (in this case "peace") that usually means that the genuine article is absent. The same thing is true with the anointing, miracles, the next great move of God, etc. When the genuine is present, you just have to experience it; no hype needed. It's not the Rapture that comes on the believer like a "thief in the night" but the Day of the Lord coming upon the unbelieving world immediately following.

We'll go into that in more detail next time. Meanwhile, let these words encourage you. "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. Everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure." (1 John 3:1-3)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sanctity of Life

Yesterday was labeled Sanctity of Life Sunday, since it is the Sunday closest to the anniversary of the infamous Roe vs. Wade case, where unelected members of the US Supreme Court made abortion on demand legal on January 22, 1973. Since then there has arisen a rather large and viable pro-life (or anti-abortion as some would call it) business. Please don't label that remark as derogatory; it's just the truth. You can find dozens of websites where you can purchase Sanctity of Life supplies, ranging from church bulletin inserts, to prepared sermons and power point slide shows, to signs and banners. Then there are all of the organized events, complete with bus trips to the seats of power, where large crowds make a stand for life. These all have some value on on the grand scale of things. The negative side is that they are not enough. After 37 years, abortion on demand is still legal. While it seems to be on the decline, it is hard to calculate with the wide-spread dispensing of the morning after pill (RU 486).

I write this piece today, not from sanctimonious perch reserved only for those who have given their lives to the support of life. Whatever I have done in this battle pales in comparison to others I am privileged to know. I cannot help but weep over the relative apathy of the church with respect to this shedding of innocent blood in our country. Deuteronomy 19:13 says, "You must purge from Israel (substitute USA) the guilt of shedding innocent blood, so that it may go well with you." Psalm 106:38 says, "They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was desecrated by their blood." Proverbs 6:17 says that the Lord hates "hands that shed innocent blood."

If there ever was a Scripture that described the abortion industry and the abortion lobby, it is this in Jeremiah 22:17, "But your eyes and your heart are set only on dishonest gain, on shedding innocent blood, and on oppression and extortion." Since 1973 there have been precious few people who see abortion for what it really is. There is no question in my mind that the quagmire our country is in is connected to the judgment of Almighty God for this abomination. In the early days of the rescue movement, the large majority of the church stood by (myself included) and allowed the rescue workers to become marginalized with respect to mainstream Christianity. They were hauled off to jail and some were financially ruined, while the church stood by, either in silence, or participating in some benign Sanctity of Life observance which lasted for only a few hours.

So many in the church do not want to get their hands dirty, and this keeps the Gospel of Jesus Christ from reaching the people who need it most. Young men and women caught up in a crisis pregnancy constitute some of the "halt, lame and blind" that Jesus commanded us to go and invite to the banquet, so the Master's house would be full. And here in 2010, on Sanctity of Life Sunday, perhaps you went to church and didn't even hear a word about the massacre that occurs daily in this country. Please understand, I am not against helping the poor people of Haiti. I have tried to generate some effective giving towards this area of great need. At the same time, I cannot help but realize that in the Land of the free and the Home of the Brave, in two months we kill babies in the womb in numbers equal to the total dead in Haiti's earthquake.

I don't mean to rain on your parade, but did you ever wonder what James meant when he wrote, "Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands you sinners and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up." (James 4:8-10) That's a real gut-level check for me. There is so much more to being the body of Christ than "feel-good, positive-thinking." God must be sick with all of our pop-psychology, self-help, image-improving brand of Christianity. I heard a very unpopular, but very helpful and necessary word mentioned several times in a sermon yesterday; that word was "repent!"

"Repent!" was the first directive Jesus preached in Mark 1:14 and it is the last directive He gives to five of the churches in Revelation 2 and 3. If I think I have this Christian living figured out, I need to repent. I am amazed when I look at the fruit that has come from the ministry of a handful of faithful people in the Connecticut branch of Operation Save America. From 8-10 AM every Tuesday and Saturday they come to the Women's Health Center at 3787 Main Street, Bridgeport. Every Saturday from 8-10 AM they are at Planned Parenthood, 345 Whitney Ave., New Haven. There they hold graphic signs depicting what abortion really is. But they do so much more than that. Over the years they have gotten the attention of hundreds of women who were contemplating killing their baby. Since 1990, 1,987 babies have been saved and 375 moms and dads have committed their lives to Christ. (How many traditional churches can claim that?) Most of these have been given practical help in every conceivable manner, from jobs to food cards to baby wipes. If you would like to join that church on the streets, you have the addresses and meeting times. If you want to help this ministry financially, you can give to OSA-CT, 632 Merwin Ave., Milford, CT 06460-3820.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Birth Pangs and Fig Trees, Part 13

Last time we closed with the statement - there are only two days guaranteed to any of us: "this day" and "that day." This day is today. The Bible declares that "Now is the time of God's favor, today is the day of salvation." (2 Corinthians 2:2). If you are alive, there remains yet an opportunity to accept God's favor, His unmerited favor which is called grace. It is by grace that we are saved, and it is by faith that we receive that grace. There is no better way to describe what that grace is that to use the Bible's own words. "God demonstrates His own love for us in this; While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

It will not get any easier to be saved in the future and the future is not guaranteed to any of us. That's why there is an air of urgency for people to be saved today. Remember this: there is no sin so small that it does not need the grace of Christ's death on the cross, and there is no sin so large that it can't be covered by the grace of Christ's death on the cross.

We have now progressed in these writings to the mid-point and beyond of the 70th week of Daniel. In most of the popular literature, and in much of the theological works, this has been erroneously labeled as The Tribulation. Jesus stated that in the world, all of His followers would know tribulation (thlipsis in the Greek), but not to worry because He had overcome the world. (John 16:33). However, Jesus did warn that after the Antichrist is revealed, there would be a time of great tribulation. (Matthew 24:21). It would begin in Jerusalem. Remember, by now the temple will have been rebuilt and the Jewish system of animal sacrifice will have been reinstated. In Israel there will be many devout Jews, who will be observing the Sabbath, so Jesus says following the revelation of the Antichrist, "Let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.......pray that your flight will not be in winter or on the Sabbath.....for then there will be great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now - and never will be equalled again." (Matthew 24:16-21)

Jesus then says "If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect (Christians who have made their calling and election sure), those days will be shortened." (Matthew 24:22) And so that there is no mistake about His coming (parousia in the Greek), Jesus warns us to disregard reports that He is already here; There will be signs in the heavenlies preceding His return. We will deal with that in some detail next time. For now, I want to share with you a true story to illustrate how vulnerable some people are to deception.

About ten years ago, a couple who appeared to be in their 40's showed up for a Sunday worship service. They each carried a Bible, appeared like mature Christians, knew the language and remained after service and talked with several people. A week later they showed up again, and this time I got to talk with them. I found out that they were from the New Haven area and they asked if they could come speak with me sometime in the middle of the week. At the appointed time they arrived and we sat in my office. For 15-20 minutes the conversation revolved around what you could call "orthodox Christianity and ministry." Then, suddenly the conversation made a u-turn and within minutes this couple was doing their best to convince me that Jesus had already returned to Earth. It got worse. They were convinced that He was living in Litchfield, CT under the alias of Charlie Brown.

I spent two or three minutes trying to convince them of their error, and when they didn't budge I had to ask them to leave in the spirit of 2 John 7-11. I've never forgotten that episode, and it serves to remind me to pray for discernment and wisdom. Just because someone claims to have a message from God, we should always check to see if it matches with the written word of God.

These blogs continue to be written so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures you might have hope. (Romans 15:4)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Birth Pangs and Fig Trees, Part 12

Last time we were looking at some of the things the follower of Christ will have to face during the 70th Week of Daniel (aka "The Tribulation") I've already made a case - a case that will be reiterated and strengthened over time - for the believer entering the 70th Week of Daniel. A believer's view of this is extremely important because it will affect his/her preparation. For example, if you believe that you will be raptured before the 70th week, you will probably have little more than a passing curiosity about the person known as the Antichrist.

Over the centuries, there have been several theological positions developed concerning this time in history, adding to the confusion. Alan Kurschner, of the Pre-wrath Institute ( gives a brief summary of these positions and how they affect ones view of the Antichrist.

Pretribulationalism: The Antichrist is a literal future man, but this view sees the Church being raptured before he is revealed and begins his persecution of Israel and Christians.

Preterism: The Antichrist was fulfilled in the first century, so there is no future Antichrist.

Historicism: The Antichrist is manifested in oppressive leaders throughout church history, so there is no future Antichrist.

Spiritualism: The Antichrist is not literal, instead, he is symbolic of an evil principle in the church age, so there is no future Antichrist.

Skepticism: God doesn't want us to know if the church will encounter the Antichrist, therefore, don't teach about it.
Prewrath: The church will enter the 70th Week of Daniel and will encounter the Antichrist and his persecution. This is the position of Encouragement for End-Times Endurance. It is the only view which is supported by a natural reading of Paul's words:

"Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you brothers not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the Day of the Lord has already come. Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion (apostasy) occurs and the man of lawlessness (Antichrist) is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called god or is worshipped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God." (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4)

Thus we see the church being warned that the Rapture (our being gathered to the Lord) followed by the Day of the Lord (time of God's wrath) both taking place after the Antichrist is revealed when he commits the act known as "the abomination of desolation" by setting up an image of himself in the rebuilt Jewish Temple. Daniel speaks of this (Daniel 9:27); Jesus speaks of this (Matthew 24:15); and John speaks of this (Revelation 13:11-15. Both Jesus and Paul speak of this event as clearly taking place prior to the Rapture.

In closing for today, please be reminded that Paul made his point in the 2 Thessalonian passage above. Jesus makes the point in that Matthew 24:15 precedes the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:16-26) which precedes the passage about cosmic disturbances (Matthew 24:27-29) which precedes the Rapture (Matthew 24:30-31). Jesus summarizes all the signs leading up to His coming, and then reiterates that His coming will still not be known as to the day and hour (Matthew 24:36-39); making clear that it is the rapture about which He speaks (Matthew 24:40-41).

Know that all of these warnings are given so that the Church, the Bride of Christ will be keeping watch (Matthew 25:13); constantly being about the Master's business in "this day" so that on "that day" we will hear Him say"Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your Master's happiness!" (Matthew 25:21). There are only two days guaranteed to any of us: "this day" and "that day."

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haitian Earthquake Relief

Most of you have probably heard by now about the 7.0+ magnitude earthquake that hit Haiti yesterday. If you have been following my blogs lately, you also know that earthquakes factor into the end-times scenario. Just a few days ago a 6.5 quake hit in the vicinity of Eureka, CA, but received little attention because the damage was minimal (by earthquake standards). I had intended to, and still will, expound on a biblical model for end-times living. Right now, all I can do is connect you to a couple of Christian organizations who are poised to do the most good in Haiti, once the damage has been assessed and communications/travel is restored.

I have worked closely with both of these organizations and have taken trips to Haiti before with them. Encouragement for End-Times Endurance is not yet 501.c.3 qualified, but both of these organizations are. I can guarantee you that they will deliver releif efficiently, with no waste and minimal overhead, to places where it can do immediate good. In all probability this will include missions and orphanages and schools established by them, but which suffered damage in the quake. These organizations have people on the ground in Haiti - some they have heard from and they are OK, in spite of damages. Others, as of now, have not been heard from.

I urge you, my brothers and sisters, to get involved, with both your pocketbooks and your prayers, as the Lord leads you. You can send tax-deductible contributions marhed "Haiti Earthquake Relief" to:

Monadnock Bible Conference
PO Box
Jaffrey, NH 03452

Partners With Haiti
25 Old Country Rd.
Barrington, RI 02806

Thank you so much for helping a part of the body of Christ that is in great need. God bless you.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Birth Pangs and Fig Trees, Part 11

Today we continue looking into what it might look like for a believer entering the 70th week of Daniel. For many people it won't look too bad. For the better than two-thirds of the world's population that goes to bed hungry, they might even see some improvement. For those who live in "the west" (specifically in the USA, Canada and parts of western Europe) there will no doubt be some major adjustments. The post 2008 recession is just an indicator. I believe many of the luxuries, which we in the west take for granted, will be much harder to come by. This is not totally bad, as some will come to understand that less can be more, discovering those intangibles which are truly valuable.

That said, I believe the things which Jesus, Paul and Peter said would happen, will happen. We have covered those which Jesus spoke of in earlier blogs, so what about Paul and Peter? First of all, I must make it absolutely clear that Paul stated emphatically that the church would be here on planet earth during the first half of Daniel's seventieth week, a/k/a "the beginning of sorrows." (Matt. 24:8, Luke 13:8 KJV). He says quite plainly in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 that the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (not written for the Jews) and our being gathered to Him (the Rapture) had not come, as they had been falsely taught. Also, it would not come until two things happened first: 1) the rebellion (the Great Apostasy) occurs, and 2) the man of lawlessness (described more fully as none other than the Antichrist) is revealed. This occurs when he commits the act in the rebuilt Jewish temple described by Jesus as "the abomination that causes desolation" prophesied by Daniel. (Matthew 24:15)

Some time after that even the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the instantaneous change of all living believers followed closely by all being raised together to meet the Lord in the air will happen. This is commonly referred to as the Rapture (Greek "harpazo" for catching away was translated into Latin using the Latin word "rapturo" from which we get our English transliteration, "Rapture." Thus, the event is mentioned in Scripture more than once [1 Thess. 4:13-18, 2 Thess. 2:1, Matt. 24:40-41, 1 Cor. 15:51-54, et al] even though you will not find the word "Rapture" in most Bible translations.).

So what happens before the Rapture takes place. There are the increased intensity and severity of natural phenomena, such as earthquakes. There will be an increase in wickedness and war. There will be false peace in the midst of the war. There will be a continual movement towards one world government, economy and religion (with the one world religion ultimately being despised by this Satan-inspired movement. Global government and economics will gradually look more and more like Marxism of Fascism. Individual liberties will be revoked, including freedom of speech and freedom of religion. The Constitution of the United States is already being ignored by the power structure in Washington, D.C.

As individual religious freedom begins to disappear from our Society, organized religion will begin to look more and more like the permitted religions in totalitarian states today. (like the TSPM in China). The biblical/Christian distinctness of the church will publicly disappear, as the church more and more resembles the culture. We see this already with so many churches embracing abominable practices, or condoning abominable practices, or at least not wanting to confront abominable practices. This will get worse. Paul summarizes his end-times headlines in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 with this remark - "having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them."

I'll close today by quoting the Life in the Spirit Study Bible commentary on 2 Timothy 2:5. "Paul refers to those who profess to be Christians and appear to be religious, but who do not manifest God's power that can save them from sin, selfishness and immorality. Such people tolerate immorality within their churches and teach that a person may practice the sins listed in vv. 2-4 and yet inherit salvation and God's kingdom." This is contrasted by the statement in 2 Timothy 2:13, "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted..."

Be encouraged by these words of Paul as he begins to sign off in this second letter to Timothy: "The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen."

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Birth Pangs and Fig Trees, Part 10

What might it look like for a for a believer entering the 70th week of Daniel? As we begin this adventure, please allow me to say a few things. First, some of this is speculation on my part. Even though I consider it supported by Scripture, I am not dogmatic about every little detail. Second, don't get bogged down in the details - try to keep the larger picture in view, discerning the principles and patterns of god at work. Third, discussion and comments are welcome as long as it's done respectfully and tastefully.

You may recall that in Matthew 24 Jesus listed several things that made up the beginning of birth pangs: false Christs (religions), wars and rumors of wars, famines and earthquakes. Since these things have been with us "forever" it is difficult to see them as signs of something to come (as birth pangs are signs of a pending birth). The fact that these things have been increasing in intensity and severity, coupled with the fact that we have only in the last 100-150 years developed means to accurately record such things on a global level, really highlights these words of Jesus in the eyes of those given discernment. Just how severe and how frequent they must become is still anybody's guess, but something is definitely happening.
Jesus then goes on to give some more specific signs, such as the preaching of "the gospel of the kingdom" to the whole world (to all people groups) before the end would come. Only God knows when this will be accomplished to His satisfaction. Meanwhile, it is our task to continue what we were commissioned to do in Matthew 28:19-20. As this continues, and people from every nation, tribe and tongue hear the gospel, they believe and concurrently the persecution begins or increases, fulfilling another one of the signs that the end is near.
The days leading to the Second Coming of Christ are compared to the days of Noah and of Lot. Just before judgment struck, most people were carrying on as usual, unaware of the signs of the time. So, leading up to, and even entering the 70th week of Daniel, life on planet earth will be considered "normal" for most. That will not mean that all of life will be pleasant; just that certain calamities will be taken in stride, adjustments will be made, and no doubt one of the popular mantras will be "better days are coming." In the first 6 days of 2010 I've seen it everywhere: "2010 will be better than 2009" or "2010 will be the best year yet." How will better and best be measured? I fear that a lot of this may be signs of evolutionary thinking encroaching all of culture. It's part of what Church Colson calls "the Escalator Myth."
I believe that leading into Daniel's 70th week there will be strong pushes for world peace, a predictable and stable world economy, and an increased tolerance for all manner of religions. The battles that have been raging in the USA between liberal and conservative, big government and small government, pro-life and pro-choice; the tea parties, defense of traditional marriage, will have wound down, overshadowed by an overwhelming desire of people to just get by. Many will buy into the idea of "to get along you have to go along." The homogeneity that existed at the time of Babel will be a goal. "Peace, peace" the people will cry and peace will be declared.
Those who resist ecumenicalism will be labeled as narrow-minded, bigoted and hateful. It will require more and more discernment, coupled with courage to cling to sound doctrine. Denominational churches will continue to abandon the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints, changing the grace of our God onto a license for immorality and denying Jesus Christ, our only Sovereign and Lord. (from Jude 3-4)
We will continue next time, by the grace of God. For now, to end on a note of encouragement - also from Jude, verses 24-25: To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Birth Pangs and Fig Trees, Part 9

A New Year is upon us, and for many that signals the start of something new. On the other hand, God's prophetic clock is still ticking and that which He for-ordained long ago will come to pass at the appointed time. To some, the phrase "appointed time" refers to a person's time of death. A quick look at the obituary section of today's local paper revealed the names of 13 people who had met their appointed times, at ages ranging from 18 to 101. I pray that they were ready, for it is written: " is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment." (Hebrews 9:27)

Every man or woman will face one of two judgments, and we can choose. We can choose to stand before the Great White Throne and face judgment for our sins, the consequences of which will be terrible and eternal (Revelation 20:11-15) or we can place our trust in Jesus Christ as the Only Begotten Son of God who bore our sins in His body on the cross, and who rose from the dead as our guarantee of eternal life. This is God's love for you (John 3:16) Reject in this life and suffer the Great White Throne consequences in the next. Accept it by faith (true active faith, not just mental assent) and you will stand before the judgment seat of Christ to receive judgment, not for sin, but for rewards depending on how, as a believer, you lived for Him. (1 Corinthians 3:10-15) I pray that you make your choice today, while it is still today.

That said, there is coming also an appointed time when God will judge the earth. This time occurs at the end of a seven-year period known as the "70th Week of Daniel." Daniel prophesied it in Daniel 9:20-27; Jesus referred to this prophetically in Matthew 24:15 and Paul referred to it prophetically in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4. We have already discussed briefly several of the signs leading up to this seven year period - signs described parabolically as birth pangs or a budding fig tree. We are to be aware of these signs and prepare accordingly. And the terrifying thought is that many in the church will be caught unprepared having been taught that Christ will snatch them away before any of that bad stuff happens. This teaching has caught on in the western church, probably because it matches up so well with prosperity, ease and comfort.

Next time we will start exploring what the life of a believer might look like entering the 70th Week of Daniel, moving through a time of false peace, the revelation of the Antichrist, and facing the Great Tribulation. Think of this a boot camp in preparation for the battlefield. But to leave you with a note of encouragement. "May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word." (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17)