Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Revival and Patriotism

If I were to tell you that true revival and patriotism don't mix, you might want to tar and feather me. All I ask is that you hear me out before reacting too radically. There is nothing that stirs my soul quite like the phrase "God and Country." I grieve over the things that have happened in our beloved United States of America over the past 45-50 years, especially as I observe the haste with which we seem to be slipping into an abyss of immorality and godlessness. I'm sure many of you feel the same way.

I have viewed a number of blogs, websites and articles that suggest the only way to bring America back to her righteous foundation is for revival to happen. This is a message to the church in America and many influential people from the religious/conservative side are urging her to awaken and enjoy her finest hour. I echo that message, but I depart from it in one critical area. I honestly believe that the USA may have gone beyond the point of no return. In that respect, I can identify with Jeremiah as he prophesied to and wept over his beloved Jerusalem. So much of the talk about revival seems connected to a restoration of America.

The subtlety here is that many Christians would like to see America return to righteous foundations so that along with their Christianity, they might enjoy the American culture of prosperity, entertainment and excess. Steve Gallagher, in his book Intoxicated With Babylon states, "One of our primary problems as American Christians is that we allow the mores of our society to influence our lives more than God." He goes on to say, "We have been systematically indoctrinated to pursue the 'American Dream' with all our might while failing to recognize that the spirit of kosmos is driving our pursuit.

Kosmos is the transliteration of a Greek word meaning, "order, arrangement, adornment" of the earth and the human race. This order has an age, or period of time (Greek = aion)in which Satan functions as god (2 Corinthians 4:4) We American Christians are cautioned to not become or remain too enamored with the kosmos during this aion. Right now, so many huge decisions are being made and formulated in the seats of power which make absolutely no sense, even beyond the fact that they defy God's moral Law. How can this be?

2 Thessalonians says that as we move ever closer to the age of the Antichrist that God would send those who do not love the truth so as to be saved a powerful delusionso that they will believe the lie. It's already started. And God will allow our faith to be tried and tested like gold in the refiner's fire that it might prove to be genuine. Do we love Christianity plus the toys, or do we love Christ enough to depart from any cultural pattern that interferes with the life of sacrificial love which Christ commands us to live?

I believe that the days ahead will reveal each one's answer to that question more than any rhetoric ever could. May we each commit to shutting down the world's avenues of infiltrating and indoctrinating our minds. May God make it crystal clear what each of us should do to separate from kosmos, that our lives might be hidden with Christ in God.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

One World Government

Regardless of your personal views on the environment and global warming, please view the above and then see how it might fit into an end-times scenario, the surface of which is scratched below.

The subject of a one-world government has been of interest to secularists and Bible students alike for centuries. It was the goal of the government's depicted in the book of Daniel by the huge statue and the four beasts. In more recent times it has been the goal of Napoleon and Hitler. Currently it seems to be the goal of an unseen force, at work behind the scenes in many venues around the world. Of course the Bible makes it clear that at some time in history an ambitious world ruler would appear on the scene and cause havoc for a short season.

I have been saying for years that a strong United States of America, with a strong economy and a strong military would be one of the greatest deterrents to any attempt at establishing a one-world government. If you are like me it breaks your heart to see that in 40 years this country has ripped prayer and public display of Christian faith from the public square; has engaged in acts of legalized genocide resulting in the deaths of more than 50 million of our most vulnerable and innocent citizens; and has launched a wholesale attack against the most sacred building block of any society - the family. That which is evil is now being called good and vice versa, and we've become a nation that no longer knows how to blush.

Our abandonment of God has now gone so far as to cause the abandonment of our Constitution (which was based on godly and biblical principles) to take place, now at breakneck speed. All of this has resulted in many warning shots being fired across our bow. Christian journalist, Bill Koenig ( wrote a book a few years ago cataloguing the fact that judgment of some kind or another (environmental of economic) has been visited upon us every time we (the USA, by it's government) did something to promote the GLBT agenda; or did something to push Israel to give up her God-given land. He has continued to keep tabs since the book was published.

Our economy was turned upside down overnight last year. The stock market has made some recovery, but jobs are still being lost. The federal deficit for the year ending October 1, 2009 was 1.4 trillion! The government wants to take over 1/6 of our remaining economy via Health Care Reform. And now there is cap and trade and the Copenhagen treaty as seen in the video link above. Do you see a link between our nation's slide into a moral cesspool and her growing weakness?

I know we are called to pray for our nation (2 Chronicles 7:14; 1 Timothy 2:1-3) and i would encourage everyone to do that. But please do not fail to pray for yourselves and for the church, that we might endure till the end, and thus be saved (Matthew 10:22, 24:13). "Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 5:23)

P.S. If anyone gets a chance, read Larry Burkett's book "The Thor Conspiracy" You will be amazed at how prophetic Larry was 15 years ago, as he envisioned a USA whose army and law enforcement agencies were all wrapped up in one - the EPA.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Mark of the Beast

October 16, 2009

In Revelation 13:16-17 it states that he (the second beast, also known as the false prophet) causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead, and he provides that no one should be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. In this writing I am not going to speculate just what the mark is or when when it is coming. Rather I want to warn you about something that could be a type of the mark of the beast.

What I am talking about is any one of the radical health care reform measures before the congress actually becoming the law of the land. As it stands now, not one of the bills contains language that would prevent taxpayer funding of abortion on demand. If such a provision is part of any bill that becomes law, where does that leave you and me and our Christian witness? Acts 1:8 was originally written in the Greek language, and when Jesus said that we should be witnesses for him, the Greek word was martus or martur, from which we get our English word "martyr." I don't know about you, but I cannot, I will not knowingly help pay for the murder of innocent, pre-born babies.

During the 40 Days for Life here at Planned Parenthood in Norwich, there have been at least two women who have changed their mind, deciding to NOT abort, but to carry their babies full term. It was my privilege today to deliver a crib, mattress and all the fixings to a center that will be holding baby showers for these two women soon, lavishing them with lots of the stuff they will need, but most importantly with the love of Christ. That was so easy; no martyrdom (as we understand the word) involved.

Later today at the bank, the teller (a vivacious young lady, married with a baby and a golden retriever) noticed the name of my ministry on the account and just started opening up about the state of the world and how she is really concerned (like the new movie portrays) that something drastic is going to happen in 2012. This allowed me to share with her that yes, some drastic things are coming on the earth. We don't know whether 2012 is significant, but the days are drawing near. Things will increase in frequency and intensity, like the pains of a woman in labor. I pointed out to her that a battle of cosmic proportions is looming, but there is encouragement: 1) we can know which side will win, 2) we can join the winning side. She was pointed to Christ and to my website, Please pray for Erin (name changed for privacy).

Back to the Mark of the Beast. All Christ-followers need to start preparing themselves now, to live in righteousness and holiness; hiding the Word of God in their hearts, that they might be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might when those days arrive. This is so important because a chapter later, in Revelation 14:9-10 it says that anyone who worships the beast and who receives his mark will also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, mixed with the full strength of His anger, and thus be forever tormented.

1 John 4:4 "Greater is He that is within us than He that is in the world" must become a daily reality to us, not just a slogan to get happy about during a pleasant time of praise. What God gives us is His gift to us; how we work it and use it is our gift back to Him. So be encouraged. Start training. Jeremiah 12:5 (NIV) 5 "If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan? The secret is to wait upon (serve) the Lord; then you shall run and not be weary, walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)